Celina Awarded JE-RDAP Contract for CBRNE Research Opportunities

Celina Awarded JE-RDAP Contract for CBRNE Research Opportunities

The Joint Enterprise Research, Development, Acquisition and Production/Procurement (JE-RDAP) program is tasked with supporting the research and development in the field of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High-Yield Explosives (CBRNE) items. This includes defense systems, capabilities, equipment, supplies, and general materials that in one way or another are in used in situations that deal with CBRNE circumstances. To fulfill their goal, JE-RDAP occasionally issues contracts for their research efforts.

Proper Parlor Precautions – The Milking Parlor Curtain

Proper Parlor Precautions – The Milking Parlor Curtain

The curtains that section off your milking parlor are going to need to be fashioned a little different than your standard barn curtain – for one, there’s going to be a lot more up and down motion on a regular basis. This and temperature factors make milking parlor curtains no laughing matter.

CI Machinery: the Quilter

CI Machinery: the Quilter

Each quilter takes up a fair amount of space, to be sure. The rear of the apparatus has the spools and holders in order to create the layering that is required. Depending on the product, the arrangement can be changed in order to accommodate multiple layers, partial layers, additional material strips, and so on. All of this is fed into the main sewing unit, equipped with many lines of sewing needles that have their own controls and thread feeds.

Sandwiches and Dual Layers: Insulating Ducting Choices

Sandwiches and Dual Layers: Insulating Ducting Choices

Insulated Ducting is made with wire reinforcement, keeping the duct in shape no matter where it’s installed. Sandwich ducting has this wire added while the duct itself is being fabricated. This puts the wire within the four layer seams, and can still have wear stripping added for extra protection. Duct-in-Duct is made with a standard wire reinforced duct on the inside, and doesn’t need additional wire on the outside.

Ins and Outs – The Use of Fan Covers

Ins and Outs – The Use of Fan Covers

While I’m not advocating for you to add air lock systems to barns (although imagine the super-sci-fi looking farm you would have), it does point out that there are many small ways in which simple additions can have great effects on heating and cooling systems. While it may not seem like much, Fan Covers from Celina Tent can keep out a large amount of chilly air over the coming winter.